
Updated links to Internet and Facebook profiles of folk ensembles, music bands, and festivals can be found on our website: Festivals in the Czech Republic, Folk groups, Music bands, Choirs a Brass Music Orchestras.

Information, ongoing events, invitations

Website (folk culture) lidovakultura.cz facebook Web lidovakultura.cz
Guide through the ethnographic area of Slovácko – Slovácko with own heart: www.slovackodnes.cz, facebook SlovackoDNES.cz
Folklore academy: www.folklorni-akademie.cz, facebook FolklorniAkademie
Folklore TODAY: facebook FolklorDNES
FolkloreWeb.cz: www.folklorweb.cz, facebook FolklorWeb.cz
Folklore as a medicine: facebook Folklor jako medicína
Antonín Vrba: facebook Antonín Vrba, youtube
I love South Moravia: www.ilovejiznimorava.cz, facebook I love Jižní Morava

Associations, clubs, regions

Folklornet.cz (portal of the Association of Folklore´s Friends in Brno): www.folklornet.cz, facebook Folklornet.cz
Folklore in the Opava area: folklor.webnode.cz, facebook Opava
Folklore in Plzeň: www.rozhlas.cz/plzen/folklor
Folklore club  in Ostrava: www.foso.cz, facebook FOS Ostrava
Hanakian folklore club: hanfos.cz, facebook Setkání Hanáků
South-Moravian Community Foundation: www.jmkn.cz, facebook JKN
Brno Circle of Slovácko Fans: www.kruzek.cz
Prague Circle of Slovácko Fans: www.kruzekskp.cz
Traditions of the Chrudim and Hlinsko Areas Club: facebook Tradice Chrudimska

Folk traditions

Czech traditions: www.ceske-tradice.cz
Workshop “Traditions of the ethnographic area of Slovácko Blatnička”: tradiceslovacka.cz, facebook Tradice Slovácka
Living traditions: www.zivetradice.cz, facebook Živé tradice

Sale, E-Shops

Folklore trifles: www.folklornidrobnosti.cz (March 2019 – not functioning), facebook Folklorní drobnosti
Folkmania.cz (design products with Bohemian and Moravian folklore motives): folkmania.cz, facebook Folkmania.cz
Hand made by HANULE (jewels, accessories, clothing inspired by the ethnographic area of Slovácko): facebook Hanule
Rolinda (painted folklore sneakers, ballerina shoes, and jewels): facebook Rolinda
Traditional product of the Slovácko ethnographic area (producer: Folk Traditions and Handicrafts / Lidové tradice a řemesla): tradicnivyrobek.cz, facebook Tradiční výrobek
T-shirts from Kyjov (production and sale of t-shirts with folklore motifs): www.trikazkyjova.cz, facebook Trika z Kyjova

Fashion, folk costumes, rental shops, materials to make folk costumes:

Folklorstyl (fashion in the shades of folklore): www.folklorstyl.cz, facebook Folklorstyl
Marjánka Folk Costumes (textile handicrafts and clothing creation): facebook Kroje Marjánka
Uherský Ostroh Folk Traditions ad Handicrafts (production of folk costumes and corresponding accessories): www.lidove-kroje.cz, facebook Lidové tradice a řemesla
Materials for the production of folk costumes, Brumovice: www.kroje.cz
Folk costume rental shop in the ethnographic area of Podluží: facebook Půjčovna Starý Poddvorov
Traditions / Tradice (custom tailor´s shop and e-shop): www.tradice.org, facebook Tradice


Photo-Folklore / Fotofolklor: facebook


Bagpipes / Gajdy.cz (folklore non-periodical not only about bagpipes):  http://gajdy.cz/ (March 2019 not functioning)

If you would like to add your website, write to us through Comment. Thank you.

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